- Earliest known Led Zeppelin recording: http://is.gd/bjpId #
- Bloor-Yonge station is like a police state during the morning rush. And hostile to people switching to the Bloor line. (@bradTTC) #
- I just became the mayor of Falconer Hall on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/99ljrH #
- @HilzFuld: Code for: "We waited for everyone else to do it and learned from their mistakes." #
- @donmcallister: Not a chance. Don't have to click them (now). Don't forget Apple has patent on disabling OS functions if you don't watch ads in reply to donmcallister #
- @HilzFuld: How long will advertisers put this much effort into their ads? How long until Punch the Monkey shows up on iAd? #
- Steve Jobs: The problem is there is too much competition, so we're building it into the OS and we believe app developers will use ours. #
- @BostonALohmann: If you have 3GS, should get (free) upgrade this summer. No new phone, just the OS. 3G gets it too, but no multitasking. in reply to BostonALohmann #
- @xMichaelBieberx Very nice in reply to xMichaelBieberx #
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