I just figured out out. Steel reinforced concrete; my apartment is a Faraday cage. #fb
Foodland! #fb # In Ottawa #fb http://t.co/EZX94A1 # Also in Ottawa #fb http://t.co/6AEJzqn # I'm not sure how going from a single queen size to two doubles is a room upgrade. #fb
"I think most guys would agree: the most attractive scent is barbecue sauce." – @leolaporte
"Hurry, Daddy. We'll miss the hanging." "It's not a hanging, dear; it's a trial. He hangs in the afternoon." – Pirates of the Caribbean #fb
Happy towel day! Apparently. #fb # @jonathancoulton I would, but I can't afford the $26 tickets right now. Maybe next time. in reply to jonathancoulton
Is it just me or are modern fireworks less impressive? #backinmyday #fb # Ok, that one wasn't bad. # @chrisshirreff Get yourself a time traveling police box and I will. in reply to chrisshirreff
@gruber The TSA story would be more funny if it was less true.
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