Hundreds of signs saying to go to the Pearson cellphone lot, but they couldn't put just one more saying where it is? #fb
I don't know if it captures the shininess:
@phandroid Why does every iOS game port leave out multi tasking support? (At least initially)
I notice that @Gizmodo is very defensive regarding the supermoon. Interesting.
is getting tired of commercials just trying to duplicate the @OldSpice guy. Random fish catch. #fb # This Week in KILL IT WITH FIRE!:
Apple: Nobody needs a small (7") iPad; a tablet at that size would be useless. What they actually need is a large (7") iPod Touch. #fb
How This Drunk Tweet Got Sent From the American Red Cross's Account (via @Gizmodo) # "I've always wanted to be on Twitter" – Daniel Melamed #fb
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