@RovioMobile Angry Birds in the news. I didn't know you worked with Eminem: http://twitpic.com/3enjsa # Student: "I'm having trouble understanding Khelawon." Prof. Stewart:
Every object in the Solar System (> 200mi) to scale in descending order: http://kokogiak.com/solarsystembodieslargerthan200miles.html #fb # @dazzy_g Flash works on Ubuntu x64, have you installed
@completeandroid Google's Gingerbread User Guide: http://bit.ly/h8GxiH # I hear they redesigned Facebook. #fb
GameInternals: Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behaviour: http://gameinternals.com/post/2072558330/understanding-pac-man-ghost-behavior # FBI informant infiltrates mosque; reported to FBI for promoting
Man googles self, learns he is wanted for murder: http://bit.ly/fFlXWt # @joemittler One level a day. It's a cute idea but practically takes longer to get your phone out and launch the app than
I find the multiple scroll bars in the new Twitter confusing. I keep grabbing the wrong one.
Almost as big a waste as Mobile.me: http://twitpic.com/375hza (quarter included for scale) #fb
@GoogleMobile You're starting to get evil @Google. #Gingerbread in reply to GoogleMobile
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