Marty McFly + hover board + hospital fountain
What kind of movies would movie characters watch?
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Season six opens with a wedding. We are meant, at the beginning of the episode, to think that it is Ted’s wedding. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Ted is merely the best man.
iPhoto, like most Apple products, is great…as long as you only use other Apple products. But once you want to upload a photo using your web browser or copy your library to a non-Mac computer,
The History Channel celebrates men who like antiquing: mantiquing.
@greatburger411 I already did: cheddar, bacon, pepper, fried egg in reply to greatburger411 # @greatburger411 You didn't miss it. Roasted pepper would probably work best. Esp. if it's peameal
Don't Know Your Girlfriend's Cell Phone Number? You Might Get Dumped – # @greatburger411 If you do my burger, could you wait until after Thurs? I'm out of
@chrisshirreff The official app is really good. Fast and integrates into the address book. Touiteur is next best. Has better link sharing. in reply to chrisshirreff # @chrisshirreff I use both. in
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