7 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures (That Are Still Around) – http://bit.ly/bY3z0Z #fb # Nexus One Is Dead – http://bit.ly/aticEo Sad face. #fb
Man Arrested with More Than a Dozen Monkeys in His Girdle – http://bit.ly/9NKKhW # Not So Funny Now Is It?!: Mario Gets Karma'd –
@lilH3rmit Chrome to Phone: com.google.android.apps.chrometophone:* (uses auto-incrementing notification ids (mod 32)) # I want to know why Jason Stackhouse is trending and all the tweets say
"Man walks down the street in that hat, you know he ain't afraid of anything." – Wash
FarmVille Groceries are Real, and Tastier Than Pixels – http://bit.ly/aKqWfu #fb # FarmVille Groceries are Real, and Tastier Than Pixels – http://bit.ly/aKqWfu #fb # The Android shocked
New theory: any idea that can't be summed up in three sentences without contradicting itself is wrong. #fb
The secret to properly cutting a round bun into triangles is to have a strong directional quality to your sandwich meets. # Reception problem not just on iPhone4. If I go into the basement; hold
YouTube Videos Now Have A Vuvuzela Button – http://bit.ly/aJo1GH # Google Wins YouTube Copyright Suit; Viacom Promises Appeal – http://bit.ly/9ZTUnj #fb # Doctor Who vs Hitchhiker's
Just Follow The Directions: How To Beat Super Mario 3 In 11-Minutes – http://bit.ly/cIStIE # Whee, earthquake! The end is nigh. #fb # @zeeshanbaig Why is it that everything on Twitter has a
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