Fanboys of the world: # "Forcing humans to live in dorms is bad enough. Putting pets there is straight-up cruelty."
The Law of Leaky Abstractions: (@merlyn) # @xenijardin You know it'll just hold it against you and on Monday morning it'll punish
I strongly object to Telus's claim that they have the world's best Android phones.
A Surveillance Camera That Types What It Sees – # wants to start a cigar club for law students just so he can call it "Mere Puffery" #fb
Cochlear Implants Give Deaf Baby the Gift of Sound –
Bill Gates goes to the bank to talk about a loan –
"Friday nights are reserved for watching the brilliant new show Firefly. Might as well settle it now, it's going to be on for years."
Bieb no longer trends:
Where Cursors Come From – # Not user friendly: (Small Print) "Read the back of this form before completing it." # @merlyn It's about time. The dental hygienist
Ten more days until sunshine. #fb # @htc but what about the hero? in reply to htc # Hello IPSI #ipsi10
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