What’s the difference between bird flu and swine flu? One requires a tweetment and the other an
There’s something funny about reading my IP casebook next to a bunch of guys talking about torrenting
A Carnegie Hall Stage Hand Can Pull in $500K – Carnegie Hall – Gawker That Gay Mobster Totally Did Not Mean to Come Out – Mafia – Gawker Newspapers ignore attempts at keeping
There’s a nice post on Gawker dealing with the threat posed by masses of teenage girls kept in a constant state of anticipation and anxiety by the producers of Twilight. What will happen after
“Real leaders are supposed to be able to see a better future. Like Thomas Jefferson or that kid from the Terminator
And a zombie proposal (visit the YouTube page to read the story behind this): Who would have thought I’d ever tag the same post “zombies” and
The Robots Are Coming! Oh, They’re Here. – Media Decoder Blog – NYTimes.com Sports writers can be replaced by robots. (tags: replacing-humans) xkcd – A Webcomic – Bag Check
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