Rule of Law vs the Rule of Reason (tags: law) To Share or Not to Share, That is the Question – FreelanceSwitch (tags: copyright law) This Might Be the Most Ingenious Bedside Clock Ever –
“The most important part of romance is being selfish the rest of the time. Otherwise a romantic act will be just a normal
This is a brilliant idea. It is a 16 page booklet that you put in the postage paid reply envelopes you get with junk mail. The booklet illustrates how to start a worker revolt. Eventually, the
Get a text, not a ticket when your meter expires (tags: parking good-idea) Official Google Blog: Refine your search results with new Search Options (tags: google search) No thumbprint, no money, bank
Apple pushes unwanted enterprise tool to Windows users – Ars Technica (tags: apple
I apologize if this is hopelessly I-just-read-CCH of me. No doubt it’s all been said before, but when has that stopped me? Copyright only protects “original works”. But original
Why You Can’t Trust Google (tags: google gmail) Hackers Paid to Hijack Macs – PC World (tags: apple security) Details of computer tablet emerge, but is it real? — (tags:
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