Natalie Portman once said: “So this is how democracy dies: to thunderous applause.” It’s how I feel about Google. They are so obviously trying to take over the world, but they do it
Trapped girls update Facebook status instead of calling for help:
Robarts Library was used for exterior shots of an alternate universe prison in
Stuart Freen posted a reply on IPilogue to a Cato Institute article claiming that software patents are analogous to literary patents. I thought I agreed with Stu, but I’m not so sure. A story
A music video promoting season three of The Guild. The Guild is a fantastic web series about a group of MMOG players. I highly recommend watching it (each episode is 5-10 minutes long, so an entire
I just finished the TIP Group website a few days ago and realized that I (unconsciously) borrowed some design elements from this website. That just won’t do, I thought. And anyway, my old
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